Buying a Singapore HDB Flat (Housing & Development Board Flat) but already owned a property in Hong Kong?
Hong Kong Property Owner buying HDB flat in Singapore requires a report prepared by a Hong Kong licensed surveyor to show property particulars, ownership details and property values, etc.
Private property owners may also want to buy a HDB flat in Singapore or want to jointly own a HDB flat with the existing owners. You need to apply for an exemption from HDB. HDB may consider granting exemption to exceptional cases based on the merits of each case. If you own a property in Hong Kong, you are required to submit title deed of your property and a Property Valuation Report from a Licensed Valuer in Hong Kong.
For instance, if you already owned a property in Hong Kong through acquisition, will, letters of administration, gift or etc., and you want to become an owner of a HDB flat in Singapore, you need to obtain an exemption from HDB first. When applying for such an exemption, you must submit a formal Property Valuation Report prepared and signed by a qualified surveyor/property valuer in Hong Kong with professional qualifications such as:
Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS)
Registered Professional Surveyor (General Practice) RPS(GP)
In order to avoid unnecessary delay, applicant must make sure that the Property Valuation Report submitted satisfied the requirements of the HDB.