






外國政府, 會計師, 移民律師等可能需要香港物業業主, 提供物業估價報告, 証明所擁有的香港物業的市值, 用作申請移民、申報資產、增值稅、回流、工簽、學簽、家庭團聚、繼承等

免責聲明 私隱聲明


如 閣下把本公司網頁連接至其他機構所提供的網頁,必須知悉該等網頁是由那些機構編製及提供。上此等連結純為大家方便瀏覽,本公司對於有關網站並無控 制權,本公司不會對連結網站的內容負責,及不會對因使用連結文本所引致的捐失或損害承擔任何責任。此外,本公司網站載有由第三者提供的文件或網站連接路 徑,同樣地,並不表示本會認同該等文件或網站的內容,特此聲明。




我們會不時根據閣下之個人資料向他們寄出旨在宣傳產品及服務之直接市場推廣訊息,但如獲客戶書面通知不想再收取此等訊息時,我們則停止寄出該等訊息及資料。閣下可以書面形式發送電郵至 info@jg.com.hk


JOINTGOAL SURVEYORS LTD is strongly committed to protecting your privacy while interacting with our content, products and services.

Information Gathering and Use

As a valued customer, your privacy is very important to us. Therefore, JOINTGOAL SURVEYORS LTD will not disclose any information regarding its customers to any third party without prior written consent. Any personal information taken about a customer will be guarded with the highest security and trust to insure our guarantee that privacy means privacy! We appreciate your trust and confidence in us as we continue to make your experience at jg.com.hk a safe and rewarding one.

JOINTGOAL SURVEYORS LTD only collects information about its customers when it is necessary and appropriate to do so. Information that is deemed “necessary” and “appropriate” include shipment information, billing information, and order information. These types of information are necessary to process orders. Moreover, such information collected will include but not limited to Gender, First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, E-mail Address, Street Address, Post Code, City, State/Province, Country and Telephone Number.

Other types of information that may be collected but not limited to include customer preference(s), gender, and age. These types of information will be used to gather demographics and will not, in any means, personally target a particular person. Furthermore, it will help JOINTGOAL SURVEYORS LTD provide better customer service and product lines.

In order for us to provide Customers with customizable and personalized services, we use cookies to store and sometimes track information about Customers. The information collected by means of cookies includes Customer log-in name and his or her navigation pattern. This is done without Customers being aware that it is occurring. Generally, we use cookies to estimate our audience size, to track Customers progress and number of entries in our promotional activities, to assist merchants to track visits to and business at their stores and to measure the traffic patterns. Personal Data collected by means of cookies will not be disclosed to any third parties except to those parties within our Group.